Department Moves

To insure the continued delivery of official University mail, departments moving to a different campus location are responsible for completing the information below to inform the University Postal Service of the change in mail delivery locations.

Note: Mail is sorted strictly by Department Name and designated delivery/ collection points established by USC Postal Service. This form should ONLY be completed if the entire DEPARTMENT is moving to a new building location.

Departments are responsible for forwarding/redirecting incoming and intra-campus mail addressed to individuals moving to a new location on campus.

A confirmation will be sent via email after new location information has been reviewed by USC Postal Services.

Date of Request: 3/12/2025   4:10:30 PM
Department:  *
Contact Person:  *
Email Address:  *
Current Location
     Curr Building Name:  *
     Curr Room Number:  *
     Phone:  *    (###) ###-####
New Location
     Building Name:  *
     Room Number:  *
     Phone:  *    (###) ###-####
Effective Date of Move:  *    mm/dd/yyyy
"Hold Mail" during Move:     to        mm/dd/yyyy
** Instructions/Comments **
Please provide any necessary information for delivery point (Bldg. entrance, mail delivery/pick up, etc.), which may be helpful to us :